Info for visitors

Useful info before visiting

Main entrance to the Park

The Nature Park as an area with high natural, scientific, cultural, educational, tourist and recreational values ​​is intended for visiting and sightseeing.

Visiting and sightseeing includes entrance to the park for visiting, sightseeing and learning about the natural and cultural values ​​of the park, as well as carrying out recreational activities permitted in the manner and terms of the Regulations of internal order in the Nature Park "Biokovo", and in compliance with the internal order and rules of conduct in the Nature Park "Biokovo".

The following is not considered visiting and sightseeing:

  • daily movement of people who regularly or occasionally stay in the villages within the park and their guests;
  • enterance to the park under a contract or special permit, to perform authorized activities (agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, hunting, transmitters and links, catering, etc.);
  • perform activities or functions under a special permit by the State (research activities of local associations, mountaineers, mountain rescue, etc.);
  • enterance to the park to arrive at their own property (house, land) under special permit of the Institution.

Permitted points of entry to the Park

Sites designated for entrance to the Park of Nature "Biokovo" are:

  • The main entrance on the Staza area is located on the 6th mile of state roads Makarska - Vrgorac, where the Biokovo road 23 kilometers long starts and is marked with signs and brown markings. The entrance is for buses, vans, cars, motorcycles and bicycles. Due to the traffic characteristics of Biokovo road entrance to the park is not permitted for buses, and trucks can enter only with special permission from the Institution.

    Travel the Biokovo road at your own risk!
  • Auxiliary entrance on the Saranač part, on the road of Upper Igrane - Kozica, used only when necessary, and with special permission of the Institution.
  • Marked hiking trails with respect to internal order and rules of behavior in the Park and under special conditions.

Visiting informations

  • Tickets available exclusively online via the Park website.
  • Due to traffic on the Biokovo road, the entrance to the park is possible for 20 vehicles every full hour!
  • There is 13 kilometers from the entrance reception to vidikovac "Skywalk Biokovo" and it takes about 30 minutes driving.
  • Biokovo road is a narrow, mountain asphalted two-way road with one lane. On the road is a special mode of traffic with lay-by about every 300 meters.
  • Travel the Biokovo road at your own risk!
  • It is strictly forbidden keeping the vehicle as well as semi-circular turning on the state road d-512 "Makarska - Vrgorac" along the entrance reception of Biokovo nature park due to threatening of other traffic participants!
  • In special circumstances, for the safety of visitors and protection of natural values ​​the Institution may limit or completely prohibit entry to the Park.

The Park can be visited:

Individually - on foot, by car, bicycle and motorcycle or by walking and transport in combination.

Organized - by authorized carriers or travel agencies. For those with an adventurous spirit and in good condition who wanth to really experience Biokovo, we recommend climbing and hiking trails.

  • It is necessary to arrive at the enrance reception of the Nature Park 5 minutes before the entry time.
  • Visitors can stay in the Nature Park without limit during tre Park's working hours.